“Project Kickoff Meeting of Forest Fire Protection” article is about the first Transnational Project Meeting (TPM) of the Erasmus+ funded project.

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Tasks of Coordinator
Meeting Agenda
Project Kickoff Meeting: Preparations
Firstly, as a newcomer organization, we know a post like this will help other new actors in the field. Secondly, consider every feedback comment in this post from the eyes of L4Y.
Finally, let us check the preparations;
Kickoff Meeting (KoM) is the first formal meeting of a project.
To sum up, what has happened so far? We met a few weeks before to know each other, and everybody understood their role and tasks.
At the same time, we made decisions on the tools for example;
- project communications platform as slack.
- web page
- we used doodle application to find the best time for all partners. Certainly, it is not easy to organize a time for a group of people. We tried three times to set it up.
To clarify, check what partners will do;
- prepare and present your organization
- prepare work package if you are responsible with one.
- send your logo to coordinator.
- send your organizations informations, like website and social media links
- be ready in the meeting.
Tasks of the coordinator
As L4Y, it is our first KA2 project and KoM. But, we are lucky to coordinate a project with experienced partners. In short, here is the list of tasks;
- prepare the Agenda for the KoM.
- organize a doodle to find the best time.
- When the best time decided; inform partners with an e-mail, and from slack.
- if it is online meeting share the link. Otherwise you need to do arrangements for an in-site meeting.
- prepare a one page note consist of all the links and agenda of the meeting. Both, printed and digital copy is necessary for moderation.
- keep time during the meeting.
- one of team members moderate the meeting.
- prepare the partners agreement (PA)
- take photos/videos as evidence. For physical meeting attendance sign-list is required.
- prepare and share certificate of attendance.
- prepare Timesheets of working staff
Additionally, prepare the minutes file that consists of deadlines
Meeting Agenda
It began with the opening speech of the coordinator.
- Opening: To clarify the meeting rules; L4Y made the opening speech.
- Project Overview: (L4Y)
- Coffee Break.
- Management: (SPEL)
- Lunch break.
- Quality Assurance and Evaluation (KMOP)
- Communication/Dissemination (Growth Coop)
- Coffee Break.
- R1 ForestFireProtection – Training Framework (SPEL)
- Final Comments; To-do-list; next steps.
- Closing
Project Kickoff Meeting: Conclusion
In conclusion, you need to consider many different challenges for organising a project kickoff meeting. But, you can achieve it if you work as a team and are disciplined. Also, do not forget to subscribe to our newsletter. Meanwhile, you can read this article in German. Finally, do not hesitate to contact us.