Here are the partners of the Erasmus+ project “Training for self-protection against forest fires in rural areas” with project number 2021-1-DE02-KA220-ADU-000028430.
L4Y Learning For Youth is working in the youth field with the objectives; to improve awareness of young people with emerging technologies; to enhance young people’s skills for (future) jobs; to help to solve the integration problem of refugees, asylum seekers, and immigrants;
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Buyuk Ortadogu Saglik ve Egitim Vakfi (BOSEV, Research Foundation) from Ankara/Turkey was founded as an umbrella structure in 2009 by a group of professionals working in the medical field, additionally from other sectors like education, sports, business world, and ICT. BOSEV aims to support research developments in the medical and education sectors with its rich staff capacity and high-profile background. In regards to this aim, BOSEV hosts medical publications with periodical medical magazines; has 50 management board professionals and 100 members providing ongoing, varied voluntary support; and transfers experience and capacity of over 1000 staff working in BOSEV hospitals, medical centres, clinics, and in a media company. Our Team focuses on developing and introducing solutions for systemic social, education, and economic problems. These solutions are developed through various layers of interaction with stakeholders. We believe that quality of life improves when the process of social innovation is leveraged to attain social justice, solve systemic problems and develop solutions that may provide opportunities for individuals and organizations.
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GrowthCoop is a recent organization but its member have a long experience in European Projects. Our passion is developing people skills and competencies; we do really believe that the base of the development of our society is the development of people and organizations. We work with people from different economic sectors and backgrounds promoting social inclusion. Promoting values like social entrepreneurship, inter-culturally, sustainability, environment protection, circular economy, and others will make a better life for our future generations.
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Citizens In Power (CIP) is an independent non-profit, non-governmental organization from Cyprus that addresses the needs and demands of people through their involvement in social and civic life, by simultaneously providing them innovative material and free training related to a variety of fields, such as education (including online education), inclusion, entrepreneurship and business, culture, labour market and lifelong learning.
CIP mainly aims at the development of education, entrepreneurship and lifelong learning in Cyprus and abroad. To achieve these targets CIP has an ongoing collaboration with the leading universities, schools, NGOs and research organizations in Cyprus for the development of projects, training and educational material. CIP retains a valuable network of professional trainers and educational experts experienced in both formal and non-formal education.
KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre is a non-profit organisation, based in Athens, Greece, with more than 40 years of experience in sustainable development, social growth, human rights protection, social inclusion and policy research. It focuses on building people’s resilience, combatting inequalities and supporting inclusive and sustainable growth by developing and implementing a variety of innovative tools, programmes and policies. Alongside with direct provision of social services, KMOP’s expertise pertains to the design and implementation of impactful programmes in the areas of education, migration, human rights protection, employment, mental health and social economy.
KMOP is the project coordinator of POLITEIA. In the field of education, the organisation has great experience in implementing relevant projects and has established a continuous successful collaboration with the Hellenic Ministry of Education and the Youth Lifelong Learning Education Foundation. Additionally, KMOP has long been engaged in the implementation of lifelong learning, non-formal learning and capacity building programmes for socially vulnerable people.
Founded in 1990, SPEL means “Society for the Promotion of School Establishments”. It was constituted by a group of experienced teachers, who wanted to create schools that would not only teach the students but also assist them psychologically and socially. Therefore they created a school for VET and they strategically located it in a region of high unemployment and social problems.
In its 29 years of existence, SPEL expanded their good practices by acquiring participation in other schools located in problematic areas.
These schools are now administered by a team with experience in working with youngsters and adults of difficult backgrounds and the principle of action is the engagement of all the school staff in providing case-to-case solutions to the problems of the students.
- Ovar Forma is the owner of Escola Profissional de Cortegaça, a VET School. It aims to develop learning, investigation and formation to
- contribute to the development of the citizens through adequate preparation to active professional life;
- promote the approach between schools and enterprises;
- analyse regional necessities in terms of learning;
- promote learning opportunities and cooperate with the national and foreign institutions in the development of VET.
Progressively, the professional qualification provided by the institution became an important means to face the competitive market, which is demanding more qualified human resources. This institution provides the answer to this new need, enabling students to obtain a better qualification more oriented to the world of work.
CESIE is a non-governmental organisation, established in 2001, inspired by the work and theories of the Italian sociologist Danilo Dolci (1924-1997). CESIE contributes to the active participation of people, civil societies and institutions through the implementation of projects on various thematic areas, towards the
promotion of growth and development, always valuing diversity in the respect of ethics and human development.
As a European centre of Studies and Initiatives, the organisation is dedicated to the promotion of research and development so as to increase and improve future-oriented innovation processes in educational, social, economic and cultural spheres believing in the cross-cutting of organisations cooperating within heterogeneous fields and sectors.
Our mission is to promote growth through innovative and participative educational approaches. To fulfil the mission, CESIE pursuits the following objectives:
- To improve lifelong education in Europe through transnational projects involving local communities
- To promote sustainable development of neighbouring regions and beyond through training and education
- To foster progress and innovation in Higher Education and Research
- To support learning mobility for people of all ages, across borders and sectors
- To stimulate local growth by adapting international good practices and methods
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